Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Calvinsim Good preaching?I think not!

Fw, takes my qoute and runs with it:" Preaching: The MEANS by which God saves people." he then says the following: "Get a grip.The greatest preachers/evanglelists that ever existed were calvanists".

mlculwell said...

I "have a grip" of the scriptures and your *opinion and bias for Calvinism* has been noted, however, not one iota of Calvinism lines up with scripture no matter how much you say it does!

Calvinism does not line up with what is taught in scripture and you simply saying so and misinterpreting passages that seemingly teach your doctrine, shallowly and glossary readings of the same and you lying on your blog about Oneness working for salvation was just precious...

We neither teach "Baptismal regeneration"(*Jesus is the savior* by the grace of God or God given) nor can we work to purchase our salvation.However, Faith and or belief are not your *mental assent* doctrines. *Faith* COMETH BY HEARING AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD.(Romans 10:9-17) That is how God Gives faith! Not by him pre-inputting salvivic information before we existed, that is silly, bad teaching and preaching(Eisegesis.)

Did God Give Baptism in Jesus name?
Of Course he did! Then it is of Grace and not of works! Baptism in Jesus name is no more a work than repentance, or *belief* which real belief actually includes all of the above!

Grace means: God Given! Doing Baptism apart from "Jesus name" as you do, is a work!

The name *Jesus*literally spoken in Baptism is the authority of the person and remits or washes away the sin!(Acts 2:38,John 20:23) Whose-so-ever sins you remit, they are remitted and whose-so-ever sins you retain, they are retained unto them.

Your doctrine fails miserably in explaining these passages and I have heard every "But, but, but," from you guys possible concerning (John 20:23) as also you cannot reconcile (Luke 24:47)

And that repentance and remission of sins be preached in my name among all nations begging at Jerusalem.

One would have to believe first before they could repent, then conjunction is not reiterating the point as it does in Acts 2;38 but is now stating in addition to belief and repentance is remission and actually belief is inclusive of repentance and baptism in Jesus name and does not exclude otherwise it is not true biblical belief)

(Acts 19:2) Paul asked have you received the holy Ghost since you believed? Faitfulwitness says: "Yes everyone who believes like him does." Paul says: no! by asking the question and if it were even a remote fact, Paul should not have asked it in the first place and that is just the beginning!

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