Tuesday, July 28, 2009

James White creatively misleads.... Bloggers follow

The following has been revised after speaking with Rich Pierce on the phone...

A blogger wrote the following blatant lies that were compounded because of a misleading article By Dr. James White on his Aomin.org which can be read here:http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/index.php?itemid=3403 About Harold Camping a radio and Tv personality.... (I have been corrected by Rich) he is not a TV personality

Harold Camping came from a Dutch Reformed Church so that
he actually teaches the same false cultic doctrine of Burgos and White and of Course all them teach the same cultic Catholic doctrine of the trinity and maybe Camping is starting to see some truth but yes he most definitely is cultic for teaching his Reformed Calvinism, of course White believes his unscriptual tradition of polytheism comes from scripture.

Camping is false prophet because he teaches Calvinism not because he may or may not teach Oneness, we really do not know what he teaches with James White telling us his misleading information about the man, James White is angry because he does not teach the false cultic doctrine of the trinity in the way White believes it. White also believes and argues for hermeneutic interpretation in the context and time in which it was written which would damn his doctrine of the trinity because it was not taught in the Apostles time. If in fact Mr.Camping Teaches *Jesus died twice* Once from eternity and once in time then it is for sure that Mr.Camping is not Oneness but some new doctrinal teaching as Oneness do not believe Jesus existed as a "god the son" in eternity past. Camping cannot be Oneness as he said clearly: "there are three persons of God" and at the same time said: "Jesus was the father." This in no way makes Camping Oneness, it makes him something else, a cross, a hybrid, if you will between the two doctrines.

One blogger writes:"I recently came across this blog article and found it appalling and yet unsurprising. I knew that Harold Camping of "Family Radio" was a cult leader and false prophet. What I didn't know was that he was a modalist in keeping with much of the jargon proclaimed by most oneness adherents.

Trinitarian super-apologist Dr. James White will be debating Harold Camping on the Iron Sharpens Iron radio program on July 28 and 29. You can hear the whole debate at the Alpha and Omega Ministries website".

I then wrote the following response by email to
Dr. White,I am going to call you by name on my blog
for submitting such nonsense about us and spreading misleading information
as to say we as Oneness or what you term as "Modalist
teach two deaths." we teach no such thing! If you do not know what
you are talking about it is best you do not say anything. I will post
my rebuttal to your nonsense soon enough.

I received this the following email from Rich Pierce: It must also be clearly pointed out Harold camping does not at all believe anything like Oneness that I know of but the article By Dr. White was purposely misleading and dishonest to sway his readers into believing what he had written, but for sure White is angry that his Reformed brother no longer teaches the trinity doctrine and taught Calvinism at the same time, proof is Michael Burgos following up with his article on his Blog.

Rich writes:"Manuel,
Dude, you need to read a little more closely. :-)

That post was about Harold Camping whose theology, and we are not real sure of this, may have morphed into embracing a Oneness position AS WELL AS a two deaths position. We are still waiting for him to clarify both of these matters. This in no way was meant to say that Oneness people believe anything else that Harold Camping believes nor is it to say that the two deaths issue has anything to do with Modalism or Oneness.

It is distinctly possible that no one else on the face of the earth believes what Harold Camping believes so no one was trying to say that Harold Camping is now a Oneness Pentecostal.

I hope this clarifies the matter for you.


Rich Pierce

P.S. if you have any further questions you know how to get ahold of me."

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