Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chalcedon denial of the humanity of Jesus

mlculwell: said...

" We both make that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man"

This is also incorrect and illogical. The Lord Jesus Christ is FULLY man and FULLY God. These two natures are not confused in any way.

mlculwell: Thank you for your affirmation of the false doctrine I have been charging you trinitarains with! To deny Jesus is 100% man and then claim he is "fully man" is denial Of Jesus real humanity and actually denies he is fully man and is a mix ie. your cultic clinging of the Mormon level Chalcedon nonsense!

Jesus had a spirit and the Spirit residing within Him.

mlculwell: Thank you again "he had a spirit" but not a human spirit! because he is not a rela man to you but a hybrid mix and you are simply repeating your false mantra he is fully man well he cannot be fully man with a divine spirt animating a puppet body!

He has His spirit; which is the eternal metaphysical divine essence. To answer your question directly, His spirit was both a real human spirit and a divine spirit. Hence the two natures which are distinct and real.

mlculwell: A mix spirit is neither one or the other! Splain how it is?

"Yes the deity of the father, son, and spirit is unchanging!"

By your own admission, you have affirmed the eternal deity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

mlculwell: Yes Once again yes but I deny your false doctrine of "god the son" the deity of the son is God the father in the incarnation any passage that speaks to the deity of the of the son is inclusive of the incarnation and not in spite of it! in other words Jesus was made the creator by him being given the spirit and All power(John 3:34.Math.28:18) Not because of your misinterpretation of scripture where you insert your false doctrine.

If the Son is God and unchanging, then He must be eternal.

mlculwell: The son was made the eternal spirit as his sonship had a beginning( acts 2:36,Heb.1:6,Gal.4:4,1st.Cor.15:45-46)

You have contradicted your position fatally, and actually affirmed the Trinitarian position.

mlculwell: I am very happy with my position and am glad to refute yours and will use in the future against all trinity believers!


mlculwell said...

Michael said: You see, you do not understand the Trinitarian position so far as the nature of the Son of God and how He relates to the Father.

The Son voluntarily veiled the perogatives of divinity when He (Phil 2:5-8) submitted Himself unto the Father and was found in human flesh. Thereby relying on the Father and His will. He did not divest Himself of His divinity, but instead took upon Himself another nature; human flesh. Therefore the Son who is eternal and divine during His earthly sojourn prayed and relied on His Father to accomplish the Father's will.

The word God as you define it is not a definition that is found in scripture. We define God as divine essence, or as a state of being. When we say that Jesus is God, we are acknowledging that He is divine. Therefore the word God is not a "who" but a "what." You are a human being and a person. This is a distinction which you recognize daily.

mlculwell:"Natures do not die!" People die! Therefor your version of Jesus did not die by saying nature died you are copping out! it denies his real humnaity that died and says some mixed up nature died who cannot be our kinsmen redeemer as a mix he is not our kinsmen.(1st.Cor.15:21) slams the door shut on trinitarain's to even have salvation or a mediator! (2nd Time.2:5)

The word God as I define it ???? Where did I define it? You are throwing up both a strawman for you to cut down where I made not such definition but what you offered concerning God yourself is what I affirm!(The state of being God) or what makes God, God! Jesus is a human being and the being of God but not a mix of neither! You cut your own throat in denying his real humanity and your salvation of a thing that cannot purchase salvation, If God could have done it then he should have in spite of the son!

mlculwell said...

Again, nothing even remotely reconciling your nonsense doctrine of "God praying to God" Do you somehow think Oneness are satisfied with your "veiled in flesh" nonsense? So basically we are to accept he faked it, a mix faked his prayers like he also faked his death and sat it out in the comfort of heaven for three days tiring of animating a shell!