Friday, June 12, 2009

Silly,God prays to God?

Faithful witness a hate filled blog writer, who has a a Oneness hatred blog, writes the following from his blog in answer to a comment concerning the writers rant concerning T.D. Jakes,hoping someone Oneness would come to Jakes defense which we will not, like Oneness are supposed to defend Jakes a compromiser in my opinion rubbing shoulders with trinity Broadcast station, Besides, he is an adult he can defend his own views...

FW writes: "I'd be careful who you call silly. After all, I am not the one who believes that what happened in Gethsemane was God's flesh praying to God's spirit. Cloak it with whatever twist you might, that is what ultimatley you and yours propagate."

What is silly is that your view of God, and you have actually given No thought because of your clear blind hatred for something you have no understanding, is that your doctrine has God praying fake prayers to God which is silly doctrine. At least that real flesh was a real man subject to his real God rather than God having Multiple personality disorder which is the doctrine of the trinity.

1 comment:

J. L. Watts said...

I don't even follow-up to his comments after I leave one - does he even allow them in?

Honestly, though, he accused Jakes - who is not oneness in my opinion - of the same things that hordes of trinitarian prosperity preachers do and blamed it on doctrine. That's silly