Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sheep and Goats 

This idea of sheep and goats of the bible seems to expose the false doctrine of Calvinism. The whole idea that bible typology seems to shed some light on the thinking of Calvinism. I once told a Calvinist in a conversation online:" that sheep were once goats." To which they were very concerned about the whole idea and were surprised that I would say such a thing. Most Calvinists believe we are born sinful and inherit sin thus we  must be born goats instead of being born little innocent sinless lambs. Later when we grow and commit the act of sin either by committing sin willfully by knowing  what we are doing is wrong or by omission, failure to do that which is right.(Which a baby has no capacity to know either) we then become a goat and stay in that state until we receive remission of sins.

Repentance is not Forgiveness.
The  majority of the nominal world believes you are forgiven of your sins at repentance.The fact remains you are not forgiven of your sins at repentance at least not initially; it is not forgiveness, but after the new birth when a child of God might sin it is forgiveness. Initial repentance is actually a death to your old self and ways. Any person can feel the need of desiring a change it usually comes after hearing a message preached of the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ in just about any church, it does not matter which; God will Honor preaching in any church concerning the message if it is affective enough. Repentance if heartfelt and sincere brings about a desire to never  want to visit the sin you repent of again. It prepares the heart for more and is a figure or type of death to the old ways. Just as we would have no hope if Jesus did not raise from the dead we have no hope if we stay just dead/ repented.  The next thing you do with a dead person is bury the dead person. 

The dead person is not really dead.
The Oneness perspective  of salvation is consistent with the gospel message of the life, death, burial, and resurrection, of the Lord Jesus Christ and identifies with those aspects individually in our  own lives as repentance/death, Burial/Baptism, and resurrection/reception of the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues as the spirit gives the evidence.
Most of the language used in the scriptures are types and shadows and figures of the true. Goats/Dead and Sheep/Alive are not literally either.
Calvinists will make a big deal about the person being dead in their trespasses and have no ability to call-out for God since they are dead and actually be able to respond to the preaching of the gospel and thus their argument that God makes you a believer. They actually use (1st Cor.12:9) and the nine spiritual gifts and in particular the gift of faith as a proof text that God somehow gives you faith  that you cannot possess as a dead person so that you can be saved. It  seems mind boggling that God would give you one gift and not any of the others. I would say that none of those are for the spiritless unregenerate person who does not possess the Holy Ghost and that the gift of faith is a gift over and above saving faith. Saving faith is something God permits by his grace so that we can enter into the new covenant. Once again for my Calvinist readers: the dead person is not literally dead; but spiritually dead.

 A Dead Person Can Respond
  The dead person or the Dead/goat can respond and stop being defiant and a rebellious goat to respond to the grace of God through the preaching of the Gospel. (Romans 10:4-17) The Calvinist will claim they do not know who God chose before time through his irresistible grace and predestination to be saved so they preach to everyone hoping to find who God chose or the diamond in the rough.
 Romans 10 is very telling about who can have faith by the grace of God through the preaching of the gospel. It is both clear and simple. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.It is the natural order of things God set into motion. Our own faith is not helping God as the Calvinist falsely claims it is the grace of God. No amount of our will would do anything if it were not for the grace of God. Of course  the seed of faith  falls upon all kinds of ground in this life and can be choked and destroyed by the elements: bad ground, lack of water, and weeds. Again, It is through the sovereign work and grace of God who afforded us this ability and it is not something we work for. By the grace of God we see other natural workings. God allowed things to continue in their natural order.
 Now back to this idea of repentance being salvation in the church world today.  If we came to Life spiritually upon repentance/death we would have nothing more to worry about we simply would be saved as that is what salvation is, coming back to life spirtually is it not?
 A dead/goat can become a Live/sheep and you can pass from death to life because that is what the grace of God accomplished through and in the Lord Jesus Christ in bringing about  new and better way.